Daily Archives: November 12, 2009

Winding things up in Bangkok


Today was a chase-your-tail kind of day trying to finalize orders and arrange shipping.  After half an hour on the phone with UPS I was informed that they do not ship packages with a value in excess of $500 US.

We are unable to phone out from our hotel so have to use the pay phone outside the 7-11 (yes, they truly ARE everywhere).  The way that works is that you pour in coins and watch the seconds tick down until your time abruptly runs out and you get disconnected.  Toss in a bit more language barrier, stifling heat and humidity, and you have the picture.

We are hoping to leave Bangkok on the night bus (yes, MB has prevailed and we are devoting 12+ hours of our lives to bus travel) to Phuket.  From there we take a water taxi approx. 1.5 hours to our hotel on Phi Phi Don island.  Bookings there are hard to come by but it looks like we have successfully reserved a beach bungalow at Phi Phi Don Chukit.  We plan to tough it out there for a week then transfer our tanning to another southern island.

Still haven’t had a bucket night.  Did manage to buy another pair of shoes!  I now have more shoes with me than MB has.  Unprecedented!

Fortunately, fresh fruit, juice and smoothies were available on the walk home.  For roughly $1.50 cdn you can have your choice of ingredients freshly prepared and blended.


Fresh fruit and juice on the street